Everyone knows the story. You have a dream, you pray over it, you sometimes lay it down- and then something miraculous happens. You move in it. Sometimes it's a small thing like giving up a vice or it's a big thing like giving up a ridiculous promotion- but you make the move because you have faith in what you're doing and faith in God that he knows your dreams and wants them for you.
I made a move. I had a dream (A lot of them, actually haha) of getting out into a new part of the world and discovering myself in a new way. I wanted to be independent, I wanted to do things that I couldn't necessarily do in the place I was in. I felt a calling for New York in my heart and I followed it. I packed up what I could and I made a move in faith.
The week leading up to the move was amazing. Everyone was encouraging me, people were always praying with me and telling me how exciting and proud they were and it was like I had full sails and calm seas. Then I moved away from all that. Sure it's still there- people are still telling me how proud they are and I can't even express the amount of love and support I am still getting- but now it's long distance. It's not always apparent, it's not physically close to me anymore so I don't readily see it.
This is the moment when crucial choices are going to be made. The first two days I was here, I was incredibly worried that I had made a horrible mistake. It's so easy to say you're trusting God and you're prepared to handle the rough patches when you're surrounded by people who are rallying behind you- but when they're a thousand miles away and it's late and all you can hear in your head are the negative voices- what do you choose to do?
Do you sit and listen or do you push them aside and listen to the positive voices?
When you step into motion you have to step into faith. This is an area that I am COMPLETELY out of water in. I've always been safe and secure at home with my parents never more than twenty minutes away and I've been blanketed with people that I have known since I was a kid. I always knew God was there and that I could depend on him to provide, but I'd never been in a situation where I needed to.
Now I am away from everything that has made up that complacent comfortable place and I need a job really bad and money is dwindling by the day and I am missing home more and more and it feels like this apartment is suffocating me- This is a new world for me. This is uncharted territory where I need to rely on my faith and strengthen it.
God is real. I believe that. I believe he is a provider and he wants the dreams in our hearts to come true because he put them there. He envisioned me before the world even began. I am his son, a prince in his kingdom. This is what I have to tell myself when I feel like giving up.
I could go home whenever I want. I could back away from this move of faith and give up on this dream because the road is tough and I don't like getting dirty- but when you are comfortable you never make any moves of faith. You never expand your capacity when you're complacent. You never grow when you're not being fed.
Dreaming is the easy part, it's professing that dream and making a move to have it that's hard. Rely on god, have faith in his provision. Dreams are not for naught.
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