Friday, September 2, 2011

Discouraging days are discouraging.

So I am in this weird mood. I dunno what it is but I feel so rejected today. I called Forever 21 back three times and all three times I got the slip from my interviewer. All. Three. Times.

I am starting to think that they're trying to tell me that they're not interested anymore without actually telling me. I mean seriously? I am starting to sense a trend in work environments- they're all spineless. If you don't want to hire someone, just tell them. It's a common courtesy. I put some applications on hold for them and now they're essentially ignoring me and hoping I go away. Really? Lame.

All in all I just feel a little defeated. I've been here a month and I don't really have much to show for it. No job, few friends, and now I just feel this swelling of doubt in my throat telling me to go back home and pretend this lapse in judgment never happened.

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