Its no secret that job interviews are awful, especially if you really want the position. You're basically going in with your condensed accomplishments on a pieced of paper asking someone to judge your ability to do a job based on talking to you for thirty minutes.
To say it's stressful is just the worst understatement ever. At least for me. But I have stated my habit of over thinking things on multiple occasions so I can't really talk much here.
The worst part of the interview is where they ask you 'Tell me about yourself?'
Um, hi. That's kind of a big question. I can't just narrow myself down into four distinctly structured sentences that scream 'hire me, I'm amaze balls'. But guess what- that's what you have to do. Job interviews are the first test to see if you can thrive under pressure. Not unlike dating. The first date sets the tone for the rest of the relationship. If you have an amazing first date, it's like the possibilities are endless, yes? If you have a great first interview it's the same thing.
If you tank either? Well look at you! Holding that one way ticket back to singlesville. There's going to be a layover in unemployed, so get good and comfy.
So no pressure or anything, haha.
I myself have been interviewing for a new position and I have found a nifty little thing that helps. Believe it or not- it involves taking your interview and treating it like a date. Create conversation points and enjoy the interaction. A lot of employers are going to be thinking about the fact they they have to work with you, not just your skill set. Be social. Be professional, but be social.
Don't talk about your exes negatively, this means your previous or current job. It makes you look bitter and unappealing.
And when they pop that 'tell me about you' question, do not over think it. Start with something personal, lead in with a passion of yours, mention something professional, and end with a confident smile. If there's anything you are a genius on- it's yourself.
At least I hope so. If not, do some soul searching.
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