Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Actually, I'm cooking...

Something that a lot of my friends know about me is that I LOVE TO COOK. I love it. There's something so relaxing about coming home and burying yourself in a recipe while some music is playing happily in the background. If I could bake while listening to Gina Aliff play guitar and Kory Dean follow her on the viola- my life would be complete. And I could pay them in food.

Last night i was looking through Pinterest (as I do) for recipes involving pumpkin. Pumpkin is my favorite flavor. No lie. All summer long I eat pumpkin ice cream, when fall rolls around it's pumpkin pastries, winter brings me pumpkin pies and cakes, and summer has crisp pumpkin soups. It's amazing. I can ALWAYS go for pumpkin.

Anyways. I found this awesome recipe for a muffin that involves pumpkin puree, a cake mix, and... that's it. All of two and a half dollars for a full cake/muffin mix.

It's a rainy day today in NYC and I am a little homesick- so I decide to bake.

The mix is easy enough. I got a 15oz can of puree (organic, of course), and a Duncan Hines Spice Cake mix (not organic, of course) and went to town. In the end, I added a dash of pumpkin pie spice and a splash of vanilla for safety and I sent it into the oven at 375. It was a REALLY sticky batter so I added a good layer of butter on my baking pan just to make sure it came off smoothly.


It's delicious! The cake isn't very sweet so I feel like it would make for a better muffin mix as it has a muffin like consistency. I added a small dollop of Nutella (shut the front door- nutella makes EVERYTHING better) and BAM- instant classic.

I have a feeling I am going to be making more of these little delights. I read a recipe where you use a can of diet soda instead of pumpkin puree... hm... orange crushcakes anyone?

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