Wednesday, January 18, 2012

All Are Welcome... sort of..

How many times have you been to a church or seen a sign for one that boasts that all people are welcome to engage in worship? Being a young man who grew up in Georgia, they populated nearly every other street corner and on a daily basis I would see any and all iteration of that phrase. All are welcome- well... almost.

It's no secret that the south is known for one thing. Fried foods. If it were known for two, it would be fried foods and overzealous religious fanatics.

(I'm looking at you, Texas).

Now I'll say this with full and lofty confidence- I am a Christian first and foremost, but I'm also a homosexual man. Those are two very unmixy things, especially in these parts. Seeing all those signs stating 'all are welcome here' were almost like a kick in the balls. A swift one, at that.

I only ever saw 'all are welcome here, unless you're gay.' I know it wasn't their intention, but hey- I can only go by history right? There aren't many Gay Affirming churches in this world, let alone in Georgia. Luckily, I found an amazing church at an early age that really shaped me into (what I consider) a good person. They aren't a gay affirming church by any means, but they also don't treat me like I carry the gay disease and I'm going to spread it to all the children if they let me in the doors.

Don't get me wrong, it's not like I live in a bubble of sunshine and rainbows at church- but it could be a lot worse. I've been lucky enough to be surrounded by amazing friends that love and support me and fearless leaders that, despite their difference in belief, still fight in my name and love me unconditionally. Isn't that how things are supposed to be? Despite differences, we can live side by side happily as we focus on what's right and true and letting the oppositions fall to the wayside.

One incredibly amazing person that really comes to mind is Annie. She was my second (sometimes first!) mother growing up. No matter what happened, it was like I could do no wrong. She wasn't afraid to tell me that I was being stupid, but she also was never ever afraid to tell me how much she loved me. It's her love that inspired this little entry.

First: Yes, I'm gay. Get over it. I promise you that you knew already. I'm pretty open.

Second: We really need to work on this 'all are welcome' atmosphere. All really do need to be welcome, people. Love like Annie Spell, a fierce loyal love that can conquer any sin that plagues your heart. This love, this amazing beautiful love- it what the world needs.

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