Thursday, January 26, 2012

Learning When To Let Go

I am a passionate believer in seasons. Not just Winter, Summer, Spring, and Autumn- but moments in your life that are amazing for change. These seasons are times in which your leaves change, the sun reigns, and sometimes the clouds roll in- but most importantly, seasons end. Winter always melts into Spring. Summer always chills into fall (unless you live in Georgia where we only have two seasons. Summer and Less-Hot-Summer). Times in life are the same.

Take for instance, I knew when I moved back home from my all too brief stint in New York that I would be going into a season of work. And I mean W-O-R-K. I was home for all of four days when I had my first interview and a week later- I was hired and on my way to training for said job. In the time since then I feel like I have practically lived at my job. While, yes, I do have time off- I have been taking it to recharge and plan(more work). Thankfully this season is starting to change a bit. With the Holidays over and my life finally resuming some kind of peace- I can start seeing a bit of an end to the rain.

And for the first time I can see that I've been in the rain for a while. Every now and then I would catch a glimpse of it and notice the pelting of drops soaking me deep- but I just stowed the thought and wrote it up to a lack of courage to acknowledge the storm. The true test of bravery is facing the storm head on- and that's what I want to do.

For everything there is a season, and this rain is going to pass. Sometimes the clouds just blow over, but sometimes you just need to get out of the rain and shelter yourself. It's so hard- So. Very. Hard. But I need to take shelter for a while. I may have learned a lot from the rain and grew more than I could imagine as it enriched my soil- but now it's time to get out of the storm before I drown myself.

I love the rain, I have amazing friends in the rain- and that's not going to change. I just need to dry off.

Okay. No more metaphors.

There's a time in life when you have to look at where you are and make a decision. Are you going to hold on to something that may or may not be the best place for you to be- or are you going to let it go peacefully? The beautiful thing about seasons is that they always produce some kind of beautiful fruit. Even in the dead cold of winter- you get the glory of snow. The rainy days of Spring accompany the beautiful flowers and the awakening of the Earth. Summer has it's insufferable heat- but those beautiful nights of lightening bugs and laugher never burn away. And beautiful Autumn brings the painted leaves and chilly nights that counter the loss of warmth and freedom that Summer brings.

Damn. I just jumped right back into that metaphor, didn't I? Why fight it?

All in all- I don't and won't ever regret my time in the rain. It's made me a better person than I could have ever hoped to be twelve years ago. But seasons change, needs change- and there's no point in sticking around in the rain just because I love rain and the others in it.

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