Monday, July 1, 2013

Horror Movie Survival Guide AKA What To Do When You Get Into A Car Accident

So I have experienced a lot in my life- but luckily a car accident was never one of them.

Until this weekend.

You wanna know what's worse? It was my fault. I was such a mixture of fear and shame you'd think that I opened a puzzle box to some creepy fetish dimension. Just to you're aware, that's a Hellraiser reference.

There's one thing I learned from this entire experience- the rules to survive a horror movie are applicable in every situation.

1- Don't Go Off Alone
If you're in an accident and it's just you and someone else and you're in an area by yourselves? Call the police and call a friend. You don't want to deal with everything by yourself and you have no idea who you may have hit. They may be a sweet gentleman that falls in love with you and treats the world like a romantic comedy- OR it's a serial killer who is planning on using you as his new throw pillow.

2- Don't Say I'll Be Right Back
Never leave the scene. Never leave the other person alone. Never say never is a great song. You need to stick with the car until someone else arrives because you have no idea what could happen in the meantime. The other person could drive off, they could say that you tried to flee, who knows. Just- don't.

3- Sex=Death
Do not flirt with the person you were in an accident with. It's tacky.

4- Do Not Do Drugs
This is just a general life lesson. Drugs are bad. And if you decide to do them at the scene of an accident... I mean really?

5- Knowledge Is Power
Get all the information you can. Insurance information, pictures of the damage, drivers information, all of this is going to help you out in the long run.

Accidents suck a lot. Getting murdered sucks more (but bright side, if you're dead you never get to see those insurance rates skyrocket). Be safe people! And if your young and attractive friends who happen to be ethnically and culturally balanced start to get massacred... maybe you should just move.

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Seven Things

I have a thing for lists. I love them. I love to make them, I love to have one at the ready to check off tasks, and I love to look at a completed one and feel crazy accomplished. Not only to I like knowing that I achieved all my tasks, but that I was organized enough to put them onto a list and have them finished.

So when I take something new on, whether it's a project or it's a trip to the grocery store- I make a list. You know what that does? It gives me a path, a directional map of what needs to happen. It's kind of like a video game- and I like that. Who doesn't like clear goals that they can achieve to measure their success? Communists, that's who. And do you want to be a communist?

I didn't think so.

So I have a seven things theory: the idea that you can put seven steps into a list form to work with most things you want to accomplish.

Example: I want to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

1- Secure ingredients. Bread, Peanut Butter, Jelly.
2- Secure workplace. Counter with napkin and/or plate.
3- Gather tools. Butter knife and possibly a spoon if you wanna get crazy with your jelly.
4- Using your knife, spread the peanut butter on one slice of bread. With the same knife or using a spoon, spread the jelly on another slice of bread.
5- Combine the pieces together, jelly and peanut butter sides touching.
6-Cut Sandwich diagonally because it's the only right way to eat a PB&J.
7- Enjoy your sandwich. Or if you cut it wrong, enjoy your abomination.

So there you go. Seven things to get you what you want.

What do you want to accomplish? Think it through, get some steps in mind. They may not always be as clear and concise as the PB&J but you can get creative and break it down. And if you need more steps? It's okay!! I just really like the Miley Cyrus 7Things song and thought 'Wow, this would be an amazeballs way to organize my life.'

Okay maybe I really thought 'wow, can you believe she used to have so much hair?'

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Young and Beautifu by Jona Sell

So I am kind of addicted to Young and Beautiful and this is by far one of the best covers I have heard.

Who Are You?

Its no secret that job interviews are awful, especially if you really want the position. You're basically going in with your condensed accomplishments on a pieced of paper asking someone to judge your ability to do a job based on talking to you for thirty minutes.

To say it's stressful is just the worst understatement ever. At least for me. But I have stated my habit of over thinking things on multiple occasions so I can't really talk much here.

The worst part of the interview is where they ask you 'Tell me about yourself?'

Um, hi. That's kind of a big question. I can't just narrow myself down into four distinctly structured sentences that scream 'hire me, I'm amaze balls'. But guess what- that's what you have to do. Job interviews are the first test to see if you can thrive under pressure. Not unlike dating. The first date sets the tone for the rest of the relationship. If you have an amazing first date, it's like the possibilities are endless, yes? If you have a great first interview it's the same thing.

If you tank either? Well look at you! Holding that one way ticket back to singlesville. There's going to be a layover in unemployed, so get good and comfy.

So no pressure or anything, haha.

I myself have been interviewing for a new position and I have found a nifty little thing that helps. Believe it or not- it involves taking your interview and treating it like a date. Create conversation points and enjoy the interaction. A lot of employers are going to be thinking about the fact they they have to work with you, not just your skill set. Be social. Be professional, but be social.

Don't talk about your exes negatively, this means your previous or current job. It makes you look bitter and unappealing.

And when they pop that 'tell me about you' question, do not over think it. Start with something personal, lead in with a passion of yours, mention something professional, and end with a confident smile. If there's anything you are a genius on- it's yourself.

At least I hope so. If not, do some soul searching.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The Cathartic Truth

Oh jeez. I did it again.

I've been a neglectful blogger.

There's no excuse, guys. I just... it's not you- it's me.

But here I am again, trying to get my shiz together and get back into this daily grind thing. I feel like my life has been one crazy blur since I moved back here from New York and you know what? It's time to hit pause. I have been working my a$$ off and I am finally reaping the rewards. Not only do I work with some of the best people, but I am getting paid quite nicely (thanks to a raise I got just recently. Hello paychecks of which I have money left over. I missed you dearly) but I am also bursting with a lot of creative and productive spirit lately.

I dunno what happened to me in New York but my inner workhorse was awakened and I recently discovered that in order to do what I love, I sometimes have to work a lot to get there. And by sometimes I mean all the time. Now, luckily, I am working hard in a place that I really enjoy with people that inspire me daily. It's a great place to be in.

Granted, my life isn't all kittens and rainbows, but whose is? I am officially not a member of my church that I grew up in anymore. It's sad but it's also something that I needed to do for my own spirit. I feel like I keep getting asked why I left and why I don't show up for service anymore and it's such a hard thing to answer. The truth is- I can't support a church that doesn't believe in me. I know it may not be the total truth on their side- but it's exactly how I felt. All the time. Being a homosexual, to me, is not a choice. It's just another wonderful quirk that God added to me as he was creating me. To you, it's a choice and worthy of borderline treating me like I was a child toucher or something terrible to be quarantined from all activity. I am not angry about it- because it's just personal belief. It wouldn't be fair for me to judge you for yours since I am praying that I don't get judged for mine.

Do I sound like I am trying to be a martyr? God, I hope not.

What I am trying to do is be honest. I am tired of lying and glazing over the truth. I spent ten years in that church only to be forced into a seen but not heard position and it hurt. Therefore- I decided to save myself some mental health and move on. I love God and I always will. I'm just going to have to find another place to worship.

Corey Matthews and I are officially besties and nothing more. And you know what? I like it that way. It makes life a LOT less confusing. A LOT. Who knows, maybe he'll end up confessing his undying love for me down the road but as of right now I don't see it happening and i kind of don't want it to. I need a best friend like him in my life and to try and force it into something more would only hurt the two of us.

Plus, he has some latin man candy on his fishing line and i am kind of pulling for them.

Get it? Pulling? Fishing line?

Chut up. That was golden.

Anywho, I just miss this place. I miss making blogs and being my wacky funny self. I highly suggest people start journals or blogs or whatever. It's totally cathartic in an incredibly public way.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Marcia Brady of the Upper East Side

Yes. That is a quote from Cruel Intentions. Yes, it's okay if you wanna watch the movie now.

Do you ever feel like you're playing a part? Like you're being the person that you know other people want you to be? Sometimes it's not like you're not being yourself, you're just not being totally open about your personal feelings for someone else's benefit.

I did that most of my life. And now, as it seems, history is repeating itself.

I dunno what it is, but I fall into this idea that life is like a TV show and I need to be playing this awesome character. Whether or not that character is the main star, best friend, love interest, etc is all based upon the situation and the people I am around. But let's be real here people-

I'm the star of the show.

Welcome to Actually, It's Brad- Tuesdays at 9:30 E following New Girl on FOX!

Yep. Just gave myself a time slot. You can see how this is a sickness I have.

And when I fall into this TV show pattern, I tend to start playing my character. Whether I am the supportive best friend or whiney love interest- I play it to perfection. And what's worst- it's not like I'm lying! I really do feel incredibly supportive of my best friends and HELLO! Whining about love is what I do best. Seriously, it's practically a special skill on my resume.

Now on occasion, I pick up a new role. It's one that doesn't get played very often as I am usually in control of my emotions. But... y'know... when the time is right...

I can play the jealous bitch.

Usually this is late at night when I am alone with my thoughts and I start arguing with myself and getting worked up and upset over stuff that I let build up and then I make a stupid Tumblr post about being upset and OH-TO-THE-NO! I've been a bitch. I'll usually transform back into a whiney love interest in minutes about the post goes live but I'll leave it up out of cathartic bliss... and feel incredibly guilty about it the next day.

All day.


Should I take it down? Can I take it down? It's too late, one of our mutual friends is sure to have seen it by now and THEN WHAT!?! Will he tell him? Will they both conspire against me behind my back? Are they secret lovers that are using me like a stupid game or a bet or-WAIT. When did my show become One Tree Hill?!?!?

Breathe, Bradley. Breathe. It's your show, you control the script. And the soundtrack, because let's face it- you're amazing. Yes, these are the pep talks I give myself.

One Tree Hill this is not. It's more like... Uh.. well, I have nothing. I would prefer Sabrina The Teenage Witch, but you try finding a talking animal sidekick these days.

All in all, don't be a character. Feel free to get cathartic and feel your emotions because God knows we all have them- but be yourself. And when your brain is replaced temporarily by that of Joan Collins with a blog... do your best to delete before you're seen! Remember- cyber bullying is still bullying. And bullying is douchey. Do you wanna be douchey? I didn't think so.

See you next week with SPECIAL GUEST STAR RICKY MARTIN!!!!

Eh, I'm kidding. But can you imagine?!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Bradlee's Summer Playlist

It's happening, guys! Summer is on the way! Make sure you check out my Summer Lovin pin board! It's full of fun and sun!!

Here are my summer jams! I hope these will get you through the insane heat that Atlanta is known for!

Up All Night-One Direction
Love You Like A Love Song-Selena Gomez
The Lucky Ones-Val Emmich
Starships- Nicki Minaj
Safe And Sound-Landon Austin Feat. Ellie Swisher
Part Of Me- Landon Austin
We Are Golden-Mika
When Did Your Heart Go Missing-Rooney
Little Talks-Of Monsters And Men
Keep Your Head Up-Ben Howard
Sweet Disposition-The Temper Trap
Stereo Hearts-Gym Class Heroes Feat. Adam Levine